Category: Camping

  • Bryce Canyon National Park

    Bryce Canyon National Park

    One of the Big 5 Parks in Utah, Bryce Canyon National Park is a photographers dream and a hikers paradise. Located near the historic western town of Panguich, Utah

  • Liberty Jail – Liberty, Missouri

    Liberty Jail – Liberty, Missouri

    Today in place of Liberty Jail the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints built a ‘Historic Liberty Jail Visitors’ Center’. A tour through the visitors’ center takes less than an hour as the guides inform you about Joseph Smith’s incarceration.

  • Kirtland Temple – Kirtland, Ohio

    Kirtland Temple – Kirtland, Ohio

    In the first few years of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, founder, Joseph Smith received instructions how to build a temple. That temple was to be built in Kirtland, Ohio. Built from sandstone. It also took years of labor but the temple was completed on March 27, 1836.

  • Newel K Whitney Store – Kirtland Ohio

    Newel K Whitney Store – Kirtland Ohio

    The N.K. Whitney & Co. became a temporary home for Joseph Smith and his family after they moved to Kirtland in the fall of 1832

  • The San Rafael Swell

    The San Rafael Swell

    Outside of the amazing geologic features there is something about ancient peoples, RD Swasey’s cowboys, and a couple dinosaur footprints that draws visitors to the San Rafael Swell. We’re intrigued by past inhabitants and the way individuals interacted with the land.

  • Mesa Verde National Park

    Mesa Verde National Park

    President Theodore Roosevelt established Mesa Verde National Park to “preserve the works of man,” the first national park of its kind. The park occupies 52,485 acres near the Four Corners region of the American Southwest.